EA: Financial Aid Portal Issue???

(haven’t posted here before but I got a little freaked and need some help)

I’ve been trying for the last ten minutes to log into my Base Camp FA portal and I cannot get in. I changed my password at first thinking it was that, but it hasn’t changed anything. This is the message I’m getting after I hit login:

“Sorry, that information isn’t available right now. Please contact the Financial Aid Office.”

This looks super bad to me and my heart kind of sank in my chest. Would this suggest they’ve tossed my file out, revoked an offer… or it just isn’t a concern to keep the portal available if I’m rejected? I may (definitely) be reading into this but if anyone else can try and can get through that’d be awesome.

Also: I checked my regular applicant Base Camp; that one’s loading fine.

As an experiment, I typed my student ID in with a false password, and this was the message:

“Your login failed. We could not validate either your Student ID or Password. If this is a new account, please use the ‘First Time User’ link above.”

…So it wasn’t the same as my initial one which makes me think that there’s something blocking my correct ID and PIN from going through? Oh my goodness someone please jump in here with some more information.


Ther Base Camps get bogged down every year at this time and at Regular Decision time. There are myriad posts in this forum about that. There are simply too many people logging in and the servers can’t handle it. In addition, the Admissions and Financial Aid offices have to get the information uploaded, which taxes the servers.

I am unclear about your comment about an offer being revoked. The only offers tendered so far are Questbridge admissions and those come with a full ride, so checking on aid is not critical. Other than that, ED offers are tendered this week and there are no financial aid offers until the admissions offers are distributed.

Just to head more controversy off at the pass, even though the emails and Base Camp state that announcements are at 4 p.m. MST the reality is usually that the decisions announced in Base Camp can be delayed two or three hours. Again, this is not old news; it is posted in these forums for the past few years. My own experience is that the good news did not hit my base camp until about 5 p.m. last year.

Thank you for your reply. Sorry for the confusion–I didn’t mean revoked exactly, I was thinking a signal of an early rejection. I’ll look for information deeper in the threads… I hadn’t found anything that related to errors but I understand that their servers will be strained this week.