<p>Yeah...see I want to do business too, but Stanford doesn't have it as a major...if you look at the list of choices carefully, theres a little star next to business which, if you find it at the bottom, means that its for graduate students only.</p>
<p>i have a question about the majors on the online app... 'english' and 'english literature' are two separate options...what's the difference???...someone please respond soon!</p>
<p>From what I understand, the difference is between the writing that you do. In English Lit. you will write mostly about literature, while in English, you won't.</p>
<p>umm...ok..i guess i'm gonna put eng. lit..since i know for sure i want to do that!..thanks!</p>
<p>more ppl wanna add to this thread?</p>
<p>Yeah, I'll likely be a classics or economics major.</p>
<p>Check out the major Management Science and Engineering in the School of Engineering. For anyone interested in business, finance, or operations research, for example, this is a good program.</p>
<p>I didn't do EA, but it'll be Physics with either linguistics or engineering as a second choice. I'm a GIRL. So grrrrr marlgirl and flipchick! And if we all get in, yay marlgirl and flipchick!</p>
<p>I hope we do!!!</p>
<p>female (sparkle..duh)</p>
<p>i spelled that wrong..whooopsies
psychology? maybe?</p>