Earlham vs. Beloit

<p>I’m trying to determine the differences in college culture, academic energy and social life between Beloit and Earlham College.</p>

<p>I’d appreciate any insight!</p>

<p>I think I read that Earlham is a “damp” campus, meaning that alcohol is not supposed to be allowed, but people drink it anyway. Beloit is wet for people 21+.</p>

<p>Earlham is also Quaker, but I don’t think that it’s necessarily more conservative. Both have their share of hippies.</p>

<p>I have not visited Earlham, but I do think that I will attend Beloit. I already told Earlham no.</p>

<p>I visited both colleges. Academically, they seem very similar to me. The classes I visited didn’t seem too difficult just from my vantage point, but it seems there’s a lot of opportunity for expansion and for the student to challenge themself. My hosts at both colleges were working hard doing homework while I was there, but they managed to make time for fun as well. </p>

<p>The types of people at both schools appeared to be relatively diverse - you’ve got the hippies, the hipsters (a LOT of hipsters at both schools), science and math lovers, philosophical types, and everything in between. </p>

<p>Both schools are definitely on the liberal side of politics. If anythiing, Earlham’s Quaker beliefs make it even more open to topics of justice and equality. Nobody pressures you into doing anything religious that you don’t believe in, for sure.</p>

<p>Most people at both schools seemed relatively friendly. I felt a little more welcomed at Earlham, though, and I’m not really sure why. But again, it could have just been my host.</p>

<p>There’s drinking on both campuses, no doubt. Beloit does have a more lax alcohol policy in comparison to Earlham’s, though. I got the feeling that alcohol played a bigger part in the social life at Beloit than at Earlham, but it could have just been my hosts and their friends. They’re small campuses, so there can only be so much to do.</p>

<p>Beloit’s campus is perhaps a little nicer than Earlham’s, and it’s definitely bigger - I could see from the dorm to almost every class building at Earlham, and that made me a little uncomfortable. Beloit’s not a big campus by any means, but the dorms and the school buildings each have their own seperate little areas, which is nice. </p>

<p>I hoped that helped you some!</p>