Early Action Notification Date

<p>I got in and someone said to post stats.</p>

<p>SAT: 2230
GPA: Not sure, my school does it wierdly, but its just about a weighted 4.0 in the 4.0 scale.
Class Rank: My schools doesnt rank us, they only tell us by quintiles. 1st quintile.
SAT II Subject Tests: Math Lvl 2- 800 Biology-790 (710 on Math Lvl 1 but i didnt want to send that)
Mostly APs and Honors (including BC Calc as a junior and currently taking multivariable calc)</p>

<p>Extra Curricular:
3 Sport Varsity athlete (Soccer, Bowling, Tennis)- captain of soccer
Volunteer Ambulance Corps Member (very important, my essay was on this)
Bunch of other insignificant clubs that every kid does to fill application space, not so important.</p>

<p>Accepted! Sat: 2280
lots of ec’s and A’s</p>

<p>My D got in.</p>

<p>Just got an email - deferred to RD</p>

<p>Son accepted. white male, non NY, parent alum, 3.2 gpa, 780 math, 550 reading, 670 writing, musical with honors band, multiple instruments and sings and performs solo, 2 AP, worked part time in retail throughout hs, honest, down to earth essay. from great high school, but not top 10% at all. I think Bing also wants less of this “packaged” super high achieving student and ones that are more well-rounded. Race to Nowhere people!</p>

<p>I have two kids who applied. The first one was accepted Saturday, the other one today ( it says “decision made” and we can pay the on-line deposit). Pehraps they will be accepting early action on a rolling basis. Best to check your status regurlarly. </p>

<p>ziggerpid, hope you are not implying that students with outstanding credentials are always “packaged” or that their outstanding achievements are due to competing (racing). Why would you think that was any more true for those with outstanding credentials as those with average levels of achievement. Students with outstanding credentials and amazing achievements usually energize classrooms and are more apt to be enthused about school and fully involved in a lot of different interesting things. I do think the school is trying to accept students who are highly likely to accept their offer to attend-something much less likely of those students you seem to view as “packaged” and racing and I view as outstanding students. </p>