Early Decision to Brown?


<p>ive worked on my ECs a lot this summer and am studying my A… off for the ACT this september, so ive updated my resume, whats it looking like in terms of chances?</p>

<p>Can i get into Brown ED? or is this just a pipedream…
Prelaw route…</p>

<p>Sophmore year
AP World History,-A (3 on Ap test-i know sucks)
Ap Biology-A(3 again-i had a really bad fever and missed like the last two weeks of school so this was expected)
Spanish 3 Honors-A
Geometry Honors,-B
English 2 Honors -B
Drafting 2. -A</p>

<p>Junior Year (so far/ projected)
AP Chemistry-C (2)----------i hate chemistry
AP English Comp -A (4)
AP American History -A (4)
AP Government (TOOk ONLINE)-B (4)
Spanish IV Honors -A
Algebra II Honors(TOOK ONLINE)-B
Latin I (TOOK ONLINE)-A</p>

<p>Senior Year Schedule
Ap MacroEconomics ONLINE
Ap English Lit
Ap Spanish
Ap Psycology
Calc H
Comprehensive Law Honors</p>


W.GPA 4.9
UW GPA 3.6-3.7
Class Rank= top 15-20
*not taking any subject test or sat I, will retake act though </p>

<p>ECs(by the end of high school)
4 years of Track (Captain Jr and Sr years, 3 varsity letters, 3 school records, regionals states all that good stuff, not going to run in college though)</p>

<p>3 years varisty Cross Country (Captain Jr and Senior year) ran on a cracked rib the whole season, so didnt go to states or anything, regionals sophmore year
3 years of being a Cross Country mentor to a local Middle School team (set up races, practices, etc.)
Ran/swam/biked a Triathlon
Finished 4th in my age group in the Naples Half Marathon (1:31:00)
Running 2008 Naples Half Marathon this december…
Founder of local running club (VP Junior year, President Senior year)</p>

<p>3 years of school soccer (varsity senior year)
Competed in Spanish Mens Socceer league inbetween season
volunteer coach/CIT at county youth sportscamp</p>

<p>City basketball runner ups sophmore year
coached a youth basketball county team
Job at Country Club (18 hours a week)
Teen Court Volunteer
200 hours of community service
2 years of Key Club
3 years of FCA
2 years of NHS
2 years of History Honors Society</p>

<p>National Honor Roll</p>

<p>My essays are the best part of my app, and my recs are all great too</p>

<p>If this helps me any, my mom is a single mother with 4 kids on a teachers salary…</p>

<p>well, if you write good essays and have great recs you definitely have a legitimate shot. it's almost impossible to chance people for schools like Brown. </p>

<p>I advise you to think twice about applying ED because of your financial situation. Brown guarantees to meet 100% of your aid but with ED you can't compare offers from similar schools... so this might be a bit risky
then again, I'm not really an expert, just saying what I've read on this forum</p>

<p>thanks for the quick reply</p>


<p>Hmm... Though Brown might give you a little credit for achieving in such a financial situation (and holding a job during school), and furthermore might give you even more credit from coming from a less than stellar high school (my guess is your property taxes aren't terribly high, which I imagine affect the quality of your high school) I'm not quite sure if you really have a chance. BUT, THAT DOES NOT MEAN YOU SHOULDN'T APPLY!!!</p>

<p>But from first glance, your grades indicate that you are not on top of your class. To be brutally honest, you have many B's and C's and your ACT doesn't put you on top either. Your running record (and other running pursuits) is impressive, but the problem with sports related ECs, is that if you're not really the best of the best (as in good enough to be recruited) then the sports ECs do not serve you as well as they should given your time committment. Nonetheless, your activities around running are nice. If you were to increase your ACT to 32+, then I think you'd REALLY be in the running, but right now, I don't see you as being terribly competitive at Brown. </p>

<p>What I would recommend doing, however, is to find some schools you genuinely like where your ACT score is on top or above a school's reported average, and apply EA. You'll likely get some very very attractive financial aid offers as well as offers of studying in the schools' respective honors colleges. Though your chances are indisputably best in the ED round, I'm not sure if you want to give up the opportunity to apply other places, where you'll be sure to garner quite a bit of aid money. There is absolutely nothing wrong with going to a school on a full ride, even if you could have gotten into a more highly ranked school.</p>

Class Rank= top 15-20


<p>%? Or absolute? If absolute, how many students are in your graduating class?</p>

<p>FL has some really good educations available cheap!</p>

<p>The American dream travels through our great public universities.</p>

<p>top 15-20/486----absolute....top 3 %</p>

<p>Umm, how did you play soccer and cross country? Don't the two sports conflict?</p>

<p>thats the beauty of having 80 degree weather all year long...soccer is a "winter sport", xc is a fall sport</p>

<p>bump, anyone else?</p>

<p>Wow, you are lucky. I wish I could do that.</p>

<p>do what??..</p>

<p>Soccer and cross country.</p>

<p>so guys...chances?</p>