Early notification for internationals?

<p>Has anyone got anything yet?</p>

<p>I'm in Canada, but i applied as a permanent resident, and I'm pretty sure my stats/essays/recs were good enough to get in, but i havent gotten anything in the mail (no email either).</p>

<p>Does anyone know what type of mail UM uses? :D I'm asking because I know when I was receiving stuff from the other schools I applied to (like WUSTL, Brown, etc.), the mail did not arrive here until 2-3 weeks after the post-mark date.. so im kind of rattled</p>

<p>so no one?</p>

<p>On what date are private boarding school acceptances expected to arrive?
Do they arrive by regular mail, email, express mail?
Do they all arrive on the same daate?

<p>I got my acceptance from UM in the mail, its a big package! I received it like a couple of days ago and I am in Switzerland!!!!</p>

<p>Got accepted!!!!!!!!</p>