Easiest science SAT to take?

Hi, I need to take one of the science SAT subject tests (bio e/m, physics, or chemistry)? Which test would be easiest to score a 700 on? Which would you suggest taking (by prepping with practice tests)? Also, I have heard that physics is the hardest test of the three. Is that true?

I would say that it depends on what classes you are currently taking. It goes without saying that if you’re taking biology in school, it would be a lot easier for you to take the Biology SAT II than a class you’re not taking.

My personal belief is that the Chemistry test is the easiest to score above 700 on (I took practice tests in all 3, ended up only taking Chemistry). The reason why many people say that physics is the hardest is because it contains information often not taught in high school courses (for example, optics) however, it is the test you can miss the most questions on and still get an 800. Hope this answers your question!

Biology E is the easiest. Chem has a decent curve.

If you had to start from scratch, I think physics would be easier, especially if you have an inclination for math, as it has an excellent curve (you can miss many questions and still manage an 800).

Without any school class physics is the easiest to prepare for. It is basically all formulas with a giant curve. With a course Bio E is the easiest in terms of the material needed to learn and the application of it. If you are very good at formula memorization then physics is the easiest but if you are better at fact and concept memorization them Bio E is easiest.