<p>I'm an incoming freshman for MIT Class of 2017, and I'm having a lot of trouble deciding which dorms I like best. Any advice is much appreciated. :)</p>
<p>East Campus: during CPW, I spent the majority of my time there (even though I was staying at Next), because I loved the crazy events there (especially the unlisted ones, teehee.) I really like the vibrant culture - there's always something going on in the courtyard - and I love how the halls and rooms are personalized with murals. I also like EC's adventurous culture (hacks!!!!). However, I'm worried that I'll be isolating myself from the majority of the student body by living on the east side of campus, away from most of the dorms.
Also, I'm interested in bio/chem, and I'm worried that at EC, I won't have many upperclassmen in my major to go to for guidance/ networking opportunities with people who will be in similar career circles as me, since EC is mainly mechE & EECS, as far as I can tell?</p>
<p>Next House: Even though I stayed at Next during CPW, I basically only came back to Next to sleep. I had originally planned to go to some CPW events at Next, but didn't end up having the time (now I regret it), so I didn't get to know the culture there. After watching the 2013 i3 video, I found that I really connected with the music-y culture. I also like the idea of group trips (these didn't seem to be a thing at EC). I've also heard that Next is one of the most tight-knit dorms at MIT. Next also has a required meal plan, which I'm not too sure I'm a fan of - any input on that would be great! All in all, what appeals to me about Next is that it has some elements of everything (without being as focused on building as EC is) through Next Make, Next Act, etc. However, Next seems far more mellow than EC. Also, what are the advantages/disadvantages of RBA?
Next doesn't have murals in the halls, though, which makes me sad. :( I love art and personalization - is painting our rooms permitted?</p>
<p>Burton Conner: to be honest I don't know much about Burton Conner, but from reading other CC posts I saw someone who said that it was a mix between East Campus and west campus culture, so I'd like to know more about it. :)</p>
<p>Sorry for the super-long post! ^^; Thanks in advance!</p>
<p>Some comments although I don’t live in any of these dorms. I wouldn’t worry too much about EC being only EECS and MechE. A very large proportion (~40%) of MIT students are in those two majors and so it seems likely that by chance you just meet a lot of EECS and MechE people at MIT although EC may have somewhat EECS people than other dorms. I think a required meal plan is a significant downside. I don’t think you are allowed to paint your room in West Campus dorms.</p>
<p>^You are in some (maybe all), but it has to be from an approved list of paint colors, and it’s painted back at the end of the year (or maybe you have to paint it back yourself? I have forgotten). So nothing interesting, that is to say.</p>
I’m not sure I saw friends who lived in nearby dorms more frequently than I saw those who lived across (or off) campus. You’ll see the people in your dorm most frequently, obviously, but the frequency with which you’ll see friends outside your dorm isn’t necessarily determined by distance.</p>
<p>@molliebatmit You can’t paint in Baker. The walls are terracotta brick so it doesn’t make much sense anyway. No chalk either because it is very difficult to remove.</p>
<p>You also can’t paint in McCormick, Maseeh, and very likely Next.</p>
<p>Or Simmons. Other than with chalk. :)</p>
<p>What major are you interested in? I live in EC and am not course 6 or 2, though certainly many people are… As a broad generalization, while a major that is smaller means that you’re not guaranteed someone in your living group who is also that major, in my experience it also means that your year in that major is very close and you’ll also get to know many people in the year(s) above and below you. I have two social circles–my EC friends and my course 1 friends and enjoy both groups very much, which I think is true for many people. That said, your living group does tend to be your closest friends (true for other dorms/frats/ilgs and not just EC).</p>
<p>As for the rest of the EC things–believe it or not, we don’t spend all year out in the courtyard neglecting our schoolwork.
We put on a show for CPW and Rush, and those are things we enjoy, but during regular class weeks people hang out with their close friends, go to parties, go into Boston–all the things you would expect. So I wouldn’t worry about not being that into building, there’s way more things to do than that even at Rush/CPW time.</p>
<p>I would personally class the difference between EC and Next/BC as one of system expectations. EC has a lot of YOLO attitude–things just sort of happen, people make them happen in the moment, it’s pretty spontaneous on the whole and you don’t worry too much about process or red tape. Next/BC seem to plan things out a bit more and care more about policy and the way things work. For instance, they plan out the dorm-wide trips, and we drive to Costco on a whim in a hurricane because school is closed for the storm and we want to cook food for everyone. Of course there are exceptions–Rush/CPW are different obviously, Next/BC have tons of spontaneous fun things, we have some planned things–but that’s my main impression.</p>