<p>This ground has been covered many times. </p>
<p>Lots to do, drinking not required. </p>
<p>Liberal and conservative people on campus is reflective of our society’s mix. ND is not bastion of exclusively liberal views (as at so many colleges). </p>
<p>African Americans are a minority at ND just as they are in the US and in each state of the US. Most students accept each individual for who s/he is and honestly do not get caught up in race and ethnicity. The school supports ethnic identity organizations but it would be difficult and ill-advised (the campus is too rich in diversity to limit yourself to people with the same skin color) if someone wanted make that organization her exclusive social group. </p>
<p>The res life program / dorm system forces people to interact. There are African Americans, Mexican-Americans, Mexican, Panamanians, Brazilians, Chileans, Koreans, Japaneses, Chineses, Vietnamese, whites (of various ethnic origins including Irish, Italian, German, Polish, Turkish, French, English and Russian), lots of Catholics, a fair number of Protestants, some Jews, a few Bhuddists and Muslims, and an atheist or two represented on campus who are not athletes. We all live in the same dorms. </p>
<p>If you can visit, do so. If your ethnic identity fully defines you, then you may feel more comfortable somewhere else. If you are a bright, multifaceted, intelligent, interesting and interested individual, then you may have a wonderful 4 years on campus.</p>
<p>Good luck.</p>