Easy A online summer II class

Hey guys, so I need a quick and easy GPA boost but need to be home to work over summer so I’m looking for online classes. If you guys could give me any advice on Professors and or cources that would be greatly appreciated!!

also, Ive already done World Regions with Boyer.

My son is doing the same thing. Music Appreciation in summer II for both GPA and needs the area 6 credit.

Awesome Thanks! Ive been asking around and doing some research on my own and found that PHS 3534 - Drug Education is a pretty easy class and PHS 1514 Personal Health is also an easy one. Not sure if you have heard of a website named ■■■■■■■.com but this is where a friend told me to look! It has a great amount of information about the course and professors teaching the course, average GPAs, etc.!

not sure why the stars are there but the website is K oofers .com (no spaces)

Yeah, we look at that a lot. Sometimes it’s helpful. My son has to do an area 6 class so his choices over the summer are limited. Hopefully it will be a fairly easy A. Engineering and Math classes can be a real GPA sucker!!

I know what you mean, Im in the same boat. Best of luck to your son!