Eckerd's 'Academy of Senior Professionals'

I recently read about Eckerd’s Academy of Senior Professionals which I believe is a group of retired Eckerd professors and/or alumni who mentor or co-teach classes. Does anyone have any experience with this? Comments on it? Sounds super interesting. Thanks!

They are not retired Eckerd professors, though some may be, of course. They are retired professionals from any job who still enjoy getting together and discussing various academic type topics. When we had looked at a schedule there was anything from language practice to guest speakers on topics. They can be guest lecturers in classes (some might even teach J terms - I know some used to, I’m just not up to date). Students can have as much or as little contact with folks as they desire. My lad had quite a bit and really appreciated their presence.

@ECmotherx2 will likely have more info.

If we were to retire to St Pete, we’d be joining.


@Creekland offered a great summary. The group also has their own separate lectures, meetings, activities, trips and events. My son who was an international business major had several members work with the students on community projects, assisting with the Model UN, helping with interviews, guest lecturers in class and networking with Career Services. My daughter was a marine science major and only had a few interactions with members of ASPEC over her four yrs. Unfortunately, due to COVID, the group does not have access to the campus. I think they continue their own meetings online.


These are super helpful responses. Thanks so much!