<p>Can any Econ majors(preferably sophs or above) give me an idea of what a typical day is like? How many hours in class? How many hours spent doing work outside of class during the week? How many hours spent doing work on weekends? Any other general info would be much appreciated.</p>
<p>I’m a sophomore and I just discovered the joy of economics this year so I’m in the beginning stages but I can give you thoughts. The intro level classes meet twice a week, plus section for 50 minutes each. Problem sets are not long and are distributed usually around once every 2 weeks. Higher level classes are harder obviously, but workload isn’t much different, from what my friend has told me (he’s taken some higher level courses).</p>
<p>I don’t really think that anyone could give you an accurate answer to your question. One econ major may spend 3 hours in class 3 days a week, but spend 5 hours studying, and another may spend 10 hours in class, 2 hours study. It really depends on what year you are, what classes you’re taking, and especially what type of student you are. It also depends on your extracurriculars- whether you have an internship, a job, play a sport, etc. College (at least JHU anyway) isn’t like highschool. You don’t spend 8 hours in class and 3 hours studying, Monday-Friday. You choose your own classes and choose your own schedule. If you choose to study the night before an exam and play x-box the rest of the semester…obviously, your schedule will be a lot different than someone who spends 5 hours a day studying and then resting the week before the exam. In general, people around here assume that a, for example, BME major has a lot more work than say, econ major. HOWEVER, again, it really depends. For example, one semester, i took 18 credits (which is a lot for a non-engineering major) and actually had more free time than when I took 14 credits. So again, it really depends, and your schedule is honestly how you make it.</p>