ED 2025 Columbia Interviews


i just followed someone’s advice about how to prepare for interviews that is clearly a bad idea so thank u @skieurope for clearing me :smile:

i just followed someone’s advice about how to prepare for interviews and now it clearly seems a bad idea thank you @skieurope for clearing me :))

hi guys i also got an interview email from columbia. I’m a bad communicator cause english is my thrid language, i know I’m gonna get too nervous the day of the interview. I’m thinking of refusing the offer, is it gonna badly affect my application?

I cannot imagine a valid reason, short of one’s own hospitalization or similar, why an applicant to any school that rejects 90+% of applicants would turn down an interview. Stage fright is not a valid reason.

Are any of you from New York?

No I am an international student

The only exception to a friend request would be if you actually attend the interviewer’s university, b/c then alumni connections. :smile:

We are in NY and my ED daughter had her interview yesterday.

Hi BronxBaby,
Thank you for replying, is it possible to give some information? Did you get a application complete information and then an interview?

Are you international

What was the interview experience like?

I haven’t had anyone email me about an interview… that’s not a bad sign, right? Or should I be overthinking?

update: got an interview, was really good and casual!