<p>hey cc, i just go my letter from lehigh... i got in for finance!! i'm so relieved it's been such a painful wait. oh and fyi acceptance decisions come in small envelopes so don't be panicked :D </p>
<p>so i thought it would be good to start a ed acceptance thread. so post your decisions and stats if you want. good luck to everyone else!</p>
<p>SAT's 740M 670CR 660W
Didn't take SAT II's or AP tests (AP test this year in May)
I have taken honors level math, science, and world language throughout highschool including Calculus AP, and Biology IIAP.</p>
<p>I have decent EC's that include community service and self interest activities as well as three solid recommendations and a unique essay that I felt really defined me as a person.</p>
<p>I also went on multiple tours, had an interview, went to a group information session, and attending the VIEW program.</p>
<p>I go to a very tough highschool with a graduating class of 560 something (6 valedictorians, many students sent to Ivy's and equivalent each year). I was off of top 15% by one student.</p>