ED Applicant with Few High School Extracurriculars

I applied ED since GW is my top choice for a college, but I feel nervous about the amount of extracurricular I do. I am only a member of Key Club and German Honor Society (both since sophomore year) and I have a part time job I started the summer after my junior year and still do. How much do you think this will hurt my chances of getting in?

Which school/program did you apply to? What is Key Club? How many hours per week have you worked at your part time job?

Keep in mind that the part time job you have will count as an equivalent to an EC. If you have any leadership it would also be a plus. At this point you should keep the focus on what you have done, not what you haven’t done.

I think for GW you will probably be okay if you grades, recs, & test scores are in good shape.

@NHuffer I applied to the Elliot School to study international affairs. Key Club is a community service organization and on my common app I put that I work 25 hours a week (because that’s about average and I made a note that I work more in the summer and less in the other seasons)

Well, if you were only applying for general admission (or any program other than International Affairs) I’d say your number of EC’s probably wouldn’t matter much. However, given the increased competitiveness of the Elliott School, it puts you at a slight disadvantage as many of the applicants (and I’d guess that most of those accepted) have at least one EC related to government or foreign affairs.

With that said, you’ve already applied, so try not to stress over it (never stress over anything beyond your control.) Applying ED will help your chances, for sure, and maybe your 25hr/wk job will be a good-enough stand-in for an EC that’d be applicable to the Elliott School. Keep your head up.