<p>cornell eng ed
2250 sat, 800m, 700v, 750w
750 us, 800math2c, 800 physics</p>
<p>class rank about 55 out of 500 (just out of top 10 percent)
3.7 gpa</p>
<p>i know admissions is not based on sat and gpa alone, i could go ahead and list all my community service and ecs, but its not that steller and not that bad, my essays and recomandations will be average to slightly above average, but im asking mainly for input bassed on the gpa and the sat cause theose are the easiest to quantify</p>
<p>Also chances at berkly, bu, tuffs,mellon, ga tech, and anything else you feel suits me would be appreciated.</p>
<p>SAT scores are good, GPA a little low for Cornell.
Cornell- reach
Berkeley- reach
Tufts- reach
CMU- match
BU- safe match
GA Tech- safety</p>
<p>If you're applying to Berkeley apply to UCLA since it's the same app. Also consider Northwestern (reach), Penn State + Illinois (safeties), Case Western (safe match)</p>
<p>i think Cornell would be more of a match that a reach. and I don't think Berkely would be that much of a reach compared to others. his SAT scores are quite good. if you can get 2250, you can get 2300 with more prep/luck.</p>
<p>if you get 2300, then I say Berkely and Cornell would be quite realistic.</p>
<p>im in ny, which makes cornell my top choice, and berkly a distant thought if i dont get accepted ed to cornell.
if it helps my case any my gpa was much lower in 9th grade and iv steadily improved through the years, im also an ib diploma canidate.</p>
<p>oh btw 2300 is out of the question my vebral score hasent moved since the psat in 10th grade, and if i take it again ill probably make a stupid math mistake and lower my score 30 points.</p>
<p>I dont think it will make that big of a difference if you get a 2300 or 2250. They are both good scores, and you wont get rejected simply because you have a 2250. That is over the 75% for median sats scores</p>
<p>Acceptedtocollegealready...due to Tufts syndrom those with high stats do not necessarily have a higher chance than those with low stats. Looking at Naviance for my school, someone with 2250/3.7 has a similar chance as someone with 2100/3.5. For everyone, that is approximately 35% chance, which I would consider a reach. (The reason the number is 35% instead of lower acceptance rate is many who apply with stats out of range, where only like 5% get accepted)</p>
<p>It depends on your UC GPA, if that is around 4.2, i'd say berkeley is a match. Just compute GPA with soft and junior year grades. Only give an extra grade point to 8 semesters of your AP or honors classes.</p>
<p>are school doesnt do the whole 4.0 5.0 weighted non weighted thing. We have 8 mps, 6 real mps, and a midterm and a final, each one can be anywhere from 0-100, it sucks because there is not really much diffrence between a 94 and a 97 for a 8 week mp, but it does have a huge effect on the gpa. when i say i have all i mean is i have a 95.3 average (that is weighted), the highest average in our school is like a 106, ap and ib classes are weighted 1.1 but i only had ib classes this year, so i dident really get much weighting. our school doesnt rank, they do somthing weird. They go like 8 student got a 100+, 20 students got 96-100, 25 students got 93-96... ect, based on that i am not in the top 10% of my class, though the vast majority of thoese who have a higher gpa then me are complete idiots. </p>
<p>I appreaciate the chances for ucb and tuffs, but the main school im interested in is cornell, based on the way i explained our schools grading policy, any change in my chances, or any new advice for cornell ed?</p>