<p>thanks for your advice, researchmaven.
I think that I've learned a valuable lession too.</p>
<p>Schools share ED acceptance info. There is a list that is circulated of those accepted ED. There is a consortium that particularly is strict about this lists, but other schools have access to the info as well. Usually what happens is that you are just dropped from consideration if a college catches you on that list whether you let them know or not. The problem with not contacting all of your schools is that you are supposed to do so, and if does come back that you have not done so, your ED school would be within its rights to drop you. I have never heard of this happening that way, but it is a possibility and a risk.
There was a situation that occurred some years ago where someone did not do this and was accepted to a long shot school that missed that their name on the list. However, when all came to light, both the ED school and the other school refused to take the student for not doing as he should have done upon ED acceptance. Both schools were highly selective. Not something you want to fool around with.</p>