"Edited" posts that haven't been edited

There have been some occasions where I just post a comment, and then it will indicate that the post has been edited, even though I did not edit it. As an example, about 10 seconds after I posted this comment (i.e. before anyone could have actually read it and gotten a moderator to edit it), it was marked as edited. Any idea why?


@CC_Jon - any idea what’s happening here?

I do know why. And this post should demonstrate the same behavior. I quoted your entire post and they system (should) delete that. The idea is that quoting a previous post takes up space unnecessarily. If I were replying to a specific part, then I’d quote just that part. Replying assumes I’m responding to the whole post, so I shouldn’t need to quote it all.

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In that case, the prior post was quoted in full. The system automatically strips that.

Well, I guess I don’t know how to trigger it, but that’s what that edit was all about.

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It didn’t work for you because there was a post in between. It only happens when you quote the post immediately above in full.

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Oftentimes posters will extensively edit their posts after posting, sometimes after (or while) other posters respond, so the responding poster ends up responding to a post that will no longer exist in its original form. Quoting the post is a way to identify the content to which the poster is actually responding, in order to add cohesiveness of the conversation, but the system doesn’t allow it.

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I understand the point of quoting someone or how having a comment shown as being edited when it HAS been edited is worthwhile.

My question is about when a post HAS NOT been edited (at least by the user) and before it’s been quoted by anybody, whether the direct post afterwards or not.

This doesn’t always happens to me, but it happens sometimes and I wonder why. It’s happened more often of late, which is why I finally decided to ask.

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Did you quote the post prior to yours in its entirety?

I honestly can’t recall, but I feel as though I certainly quoted at least part of it. Of course, now there’s no quote within the message at all, so :woman_shrugging:t4:?

This has happened to me too! I make a post. I don’t edit at all…and no one has responded to me. Yet the little orange edit pencil appears on my post. Has happened a number of times.

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If you quote the entirety of the previous message in the next post, the site automatically edits out the quote.


Ah ha! Thank you!


Thanks for posting this as it has happened to me as well. I thought I was imagining things.