Education vs. Happiness?

<p>I am a freshman currently enrolled at a pretty well known university for visual journalism (photojournalism), but I don't like it here. I've had a pretty rough year with things back home and I have made friends on campus and everything but honestly I'm not sure it feels right here. I get decent grades, I'm pushing myself to do better obviously, but lately i've been toying with the idea of applying to other schools much farther away from home. I guess I kind of feel like going to school in an area that I grew up in and know so well isn't what I want anymore. I'm not worried about being homesick but I do worry if trading a degree at a more prestigious university (thats private and costly) for a much larger public university that may not have as well known a program is going to hurt me in the long run. Does it make sense to switch? Should I just stick it out 3 more years and then leave or should I get out now? </p>

<p>If anyone is wondering the university i'm looking at is University of Alabama, the one I currently attend is RIT. Switching stupid?</p>

<p>Honestly, the decision is really up to you. I would make a list of the pros and cons. Is cost an issue? How much is RIT compared to the others (project the price, living costs, etc.). I know how you feel about transferring because I applied to transfer from Penn State to University of Southern California, but after some time, I decided not to go even if I did get in. Btw, I’m from Seattle, so I’m really far from home. I’m in love with my school! I would seriously give your school more time. I know it feels hard to get used to it at first, but the more time you give it, you will start to meet great people, make connections, and find yourself really enjoying where you’re at. But if you really feel like you absolutely hate your current situation, then apply. Just make sure that whichever school you transfer to has good programs that you might end up switching into.</p>