<p>So, I got a likely letter from Dartmouth, and yesterday they sent me an estimate of my financial aid packet. It's really nice (full tuition + about 8k + work study) and my parents wouldn't have to struggle to pay too much, but at the bottom of the page it said:</p>
<p>"The Parent Contribution for one in college would be $6142."</p>
<p>My older brother is currently in college as well, but by the time I'm in my second year, he'll have graduated, which, I assume, will make my EFC go up. It's currently about $5,200 (but D-mouth might have calculated it a little higher) So when it's no longer the two of us in college, can I expect that EFC to double, or do you think it we would only have to pay that $6,142?</p>
<p>Should I ask the financial aid office about that number?</p>