ELC eligibility

<p>My son is in the top 5% at his school. He did not receive an ELC letter, nor was I asked to sign anything last year. Is this a slip on the part of his school, or are the ELC letters only sent to the top 4% of the school? </p>

<p>Thank you</p>

<p>You should get first a letter in 11th grade, that you are in 12%. But in 12th grade only 4% are getting ELC number.</p>

<p>He never received a letter. I will be checking with his school on Monday. Is it the top 4% of the school, or the top 4% of all the elc applications submitted?</p>

<p>nor was I asked to sign anything last year</p>

<p>Is your son now a senior?</p>

<p>Like seniorsf mentioned, only the top 4% of his total class get an ELC letter for guaranteed admission into certain UC’s provided that certain conditions are met. However, since you do not remember signing a transcript release form “last year” (assuming last year was his junior year) he would not have been eligible anyway, even if he was in the top 4%.</p>

<p>It would be worth sending an e-mail to your son’s guidance counselor, just to confirm a) that he was in fact not in the top 4% and b) a signed transcript release form was never returned by you.</p>

<p>Yes he is a senior. He is in a magnet program connected to a larger school. He is ranked in the top 5% of the whole school, but maybe not in his magnet program. I’ll have to check Monday</p>

<p>Also, it is possible that your child’s high school does not (or is not eligible to) participate in the ELC process. My D and I were surprised at how many high schools in our city that do not participate.</p>

<p>His “class” would consist of ALL students in his class, magnet program as well as ANY others. Also, dignified1 makes an excellent point-- his school may not even be an ELC qualified school. I made an assumption that others at his school received ELC letters on your original post, a huge mistake on my part!</p>

<p>His school does participate in ELC. He definitely is in the top 12% of the school. We didn’t receive anything to sign last year. Since he isn’t in the top 4% at his school I guess it doesn’t matter, but at 5% he should have received a letter, in case he did make the 4%.</p>

<p>My DD’s high school sent the permission to release transcript @ the end of her Junior year–I think it was the last week of school. She had to turn it in before school was out. The letter mentioned she was identified in the top 4%.</p>

<p>The school’s rankings can be misleading. UC computes the top 4% based on A-G courses. My son is ranked 22 out of 582 students- top 3.5% and he did NOT receive an ELC number. Also, he had a junior year AP Calc grade changed from B to A fall of senior year, but UC’s policy is not to amend ELC scores based on grade changes.<br>
So, he had to apply to his favorite UC schools that guarantee ELC admission as a regular admit. We will place faith that his app is competitive enough.
Good luck to you!</p>