
<p>How does ELC and the regular admission process differ by? Lets say i was ELC. Does that mean that I have to apply twice or what? Also if you get rejected during the ELC, can you apply in the regular admissions process.</p>


<p>What happened with me was...</p>

<p>I signed a contract to let my HS release information to the UC system. Basically, I think it's if you're in the top 4% of your class. If you're in the top 10%, you're in the Eligibility in Statewide Context or whatever.</p>

<p>Then a few months later, I got a letter saying that I was in ELC. </p>

<p>Then, some other months later, I got letters from UCSB and UCI saying that I was guaranteed a spot in the frosh class IF I APPLIED, as long as I didn't apply for a Dance major, or some other major for which you had to audition. I think that was only UCI.</p>

<p>I applied to SB, Irvine, Cal and LA.</p>

<p>Then in March, I got letters of acceptance from UCSB and UCI, as expected. I'm still waiting for Cal and LA.</p>

<p>You don't really have to do anything, at all.</p>

<p>ditto here. The process actually begins at the end of your junior year during the summer. Your school will identify you as and ELC through your class. You will get a letter from them in September and then they give you a special area to apply at the UC schools. There are two types of ELC. Local context which is top 4% of your class. They look at all areas but concentrate on your academics during the 10th and 11th grade year.<br>
There is also statewide. Here you rank in the top 5-12.5 % of your class at school.
This following website has alot of answers to this
<a href="http://www.ucop.edu/sas/elc%5B/url%5D"&gt;www.ucop.edu/sas/elc&lt;/a>
Now through that program daughter so far has been admitted to UCSB and UCSD. We are waiting for UCLA na UCB. You get extra points at UCSD,UCLA, and UCB if you are ELC but are not an automatic admit. I know UC Merced, UC Davis UCSB and UCI told my duaghter she could go there based on the information they had.</p>

<p>there are three ways to be eligible for admission to UC
1) ELC- top 4% of your high school class, you sign a paper at the end of junior year allowing your transcripts to be released to the UC system, during summer you find out if you are ELC, if you are then during the application process you get to log on through a special thing that identifies you as ELC and that way colleges know you are, even if you aren't ELC but applied for it, when you apply some of your info is put into the app for you.. ELC guarantees you admission to one UC school, if you are not ELC than they try their best to admit you to one school.. ELC students get admitted into certain schools automatically but those schools tend to change yearly.. you also get three hundred points for being identified as ELC at UCSD, i'm assuming you get points for it at davis as well..
2) Eligibility in the Statewide Context- this is the way most people gain eligibility to the UC system, if you are not ELC but your gpa and sat scores meet the UC eligibility index you are identified as eligible in the statewide context. This is not a guarantee to any UC but the system tries its hardest to give admission to one of its schools if you are eligible. If you are not eligible in the statewide context you may still be eligible for admission to the UC system through
3)Eligibility by Examination- This is an opportunity for people with high test scores but low GPA's to become eligible to UC.</p>

<p>basically elc gives people a guarantee, and a better shot at getting into the school of there choice, and anyways if you are elc you pretty much have a good chance anyways because your gpa is high.</p>

<p>ELC is just another way for a student to meet minimum eligibility for the University of California system. A student does not apply to be ELC; they will be selected by their high school and parent permission must be obtained. Even if selected for ELC, or if not selected, a student would need to apply for admissions to their choice of campuses. Only at select campuses will ELC guarantee admissions.</p>

<p>UCD Admissions,
I was told by my councilor that they send info on top 10% to the UC system. Than UC decides who is ELC (4%) at our school. Is that right?</p>