<p>I'm just wondering, would you support making Election day a national holiday? </p>
<p>Because I think it makes a lot of sense, and it would help bring up the voter turnout rates and the shortage of poll workers. But then there has to be a reason this hasn't already happened, right? So am I just missing something when I think it's a really good idea?</p>
<p>They should make it a holiday for people who vote, people need to show proof of some kind to get the holiday excused. now that would be a novel idea.</p>
<p>Actually, that does make a lot of sense -- I've heard stories of employers threatening employees (who work minimum wage anyway) that try to leave early on election day.</p>
<p>If it were a holiday, especially if it were moved to a day that's already a holiday, wouldn't some people go on vacation, and thus not vote?</p>
<p>Voting only takes a few minutes, so it's really not that big of a hassle. Plus, if someone doesn't think they can make it, they can always vote with an absentee ballot.</p>