Electives/Fun/Interesting classes

<p>What electives have you taken and are planning to take this fall just because you're interested in them? What was worth it, what wasn't? I have two free spaces, and I'm taking 2 different languages classes: contemporary literature of my native tongue, and French conversation. Really excited! What about you?</p>

<p>I’m taking French I and Tagalog I this fall for fun. In the Spring, I’m going to take either Tennis or Bowling. </p>

<p>I’ve taken random literature classes (lower level ones that don’t count for my major) for fun. Last semester I took “American Masculinity in 20th Century American Lit and Film,” and while studying abroad I took 15 credits worth of Spanish classes that didn’t count for my English major (6 of them did form the beginning of a Spanish minor, though).</p>

<p>I’m not taking any electives this semester. But next Spring I’m considering trying Japanese. If not I’ll probably do something related with Journalism or even Kinesiology.</p>

<p>I’ll probably doing Beginning or Intermediate Weightlifting.</p>

<p>My favorite ‘only-for-fun’ classes were ‘History of the Modern Middle East’ and all of the anthropology classes that had nothing to do with my major. Now I have a minor in it.</p>

<p>My step-brother is taking “The History of Torture” class next semester</p>



<p>In my limited experience courses with fun names are incredibly workload-heavy.<br>
Also, probably not the best course to have on your transcript if you apply to med school.</p>

<p>Advanced Organic Chemistry is my elective.</p>

<p>For some reason I like filling up my free electives with more science courses. Medical microbiology, behavioral pharmacology, and advanced organic…they just interest me and I want to take them rather than some history or sociology bullcrap class</p>

<p>I’d like to take an Introduction to Modern Torture class. </p>

<p>I bet there’s a lot of evil hand rubbing and exchanging shifty glances in there.</p>

<p>I’m interested in taking some P.E. classes, like tennis and dance, but I’ll probably wait until I transfer to a four-year school to take them.</p>

<p>Weight Training & Rock N Roll History</p>

<p>Intro to Human Sexuality. It was basically Sex Ed for college kids, and if you went to class it was an easy A.</p>

<p>history of the US NAVY!</p>

<p>I took a semester of Japanese, and I really didn’t like it as much as I thought I would (and I had already taken 6 years of the language before college). I haven’t taken an elective since, unfortunately.</p>

<p>Social Psychology was pretty interesting.</p>

<p>Scuba Diving, and a personal liberties class.</p>

<p>Psychology, foreign language classes</p>