Elite school waitlists must be large this year..

<p>In recent years, the Penn admission office has also waitlisted comparatively fewer students than Princeton. Last year, about 1,000 Penn applicants were waitlisted, one-quarter of the number of students accepted, according to The Daily Pennsylvanian. The Penn admission office declined to release the size of this year’s waitlist.</p>

<p>Last year, Harvard relied on its waitlist to fill a sizable portion of its class, accepting more than 200 applicants from its waitlist, The Harvard Crimson reported. Harvard’s admission office did not respond to requests for comment and has not released the size of its waitlist for this year.</p>

<p>Stanford’s admission office could not be reached for comment.</p>

<p>Columbia also declined to reveal its waitlist data, a university spokesman said in an e-mail to the ‘Prince.’</p>

<p>Waitlist</a> larger than projected size for Class of 2013 - The Daily Princetonian</p>

<p>Secretive, eh?</p>