<p>What elite schools offer merit scholarships or really good financial aid?</p>
<p>What do you mean by elite schools? </p>
<p>Ivies offer only need blind aid and meet 100% of demonstrated need. They often offer the best financial aid packages- because of their large endowments. </p>
<p>Some other "elite" non-Ivy insitutions offer good merit and financial aid. You have to be a little more specific.</p>
<p>The Ivies definitely do offer good financial aid packages based on need (I can say from experience). If you're looking for merit scholarships, check out the Emory Scholars Program - some amazing scholarships, although it's very competitive.</p>
<p>if you require a full ride, the only "top" colleges (top 30 or so) that I could find were Emory, Vandy, and Duke I think. Vandy and Duke's were fairly limited in the number, Emory's is very alluring, offering large numbers of generous scholarships, which I applied to even though I think my stats put me on the outside looking in (3.6 UW GPA with tough schedule, 1460/2160 SAT's, NMSF, decent EC's and recs, but I doubt spectacular). Full scholarships at these "top" schools are just hard to come by unless you're stats are amazing, you're a URM, or something big. </p>
<p>There are quite a few partial merit scholarships that these top 30 or so schools may offer, but I never looked too extensively because I wasn't gonna trade a full ride at UF for paying 20k a year at another school, even if it is better.</p>
<p>If it's need your looking for though, than alot of the top top schools offer significant need aid.</p>
<p>to add to gatordans list: wash u in st. louis has the most aggressive merit aid for any elite school.. i think they offer several full/half scholarships.</p>
<p>Rice has very good merit aid along with 100% demonstrated need. One of the few to do both.</p>
<p>Rice has many scholarships, like a ton.</p>