Email about Validating email?

<p>Hi there, I was wondering if anyone else got this email:</p>

<p>Dear User,</p>

<p>Due to the recent attack of the Trojan.Flame.A. virus on our web servers. We are about to carry out maintenance on our webmail services / account. Upon the receipt of this notice, you are required to validate your mailbox within the next 48 hours.</p>

<p>Failure to validate your email within this time duration, your email account will be deactivated from our email database. To validate your email account, click on the web-link below or copy link on your web browser: .....</p>

<p>Should I ignore this because I thought Cal informed us that they would NEVER ask us for our calnet ID nor our passphrase???</p>

<p>Yes ignore</p>

<p>Ignore the message and verify with <a href=“”></a> if you want to be really sure, or at least (be one of several to) report the message.</p>

<p>There is no reason for IST to need to verify your email. They have all the information they need via the office of the registrar. Even if systems were compromised, a rollback of the backups would be all that’s necessary. If it got to that stage, it’ll probably be newsworthy while several people lose their jobs.</p>

<p>Thanks to you both!</p>

<p>I got the email again this morning, and I followed what you said EXCELBLUE. When I get a response from the address you provided I’ll message if it was fraud. :)</p>