<p>I still love the Genie in a bottle song by Christina aguilera. I loved it since i was 9. And i still listen to it all the time! excpet this is not a secret-thing.. heaps of people know about it lol -- but I hate hate hate christina aguileira (now).. (but i loved her when i was like 9).</p>
<p>I also like Laguna beach but that's also no secret since i tell everyone i'm in love with stephen and stuff..</p>
<p>Oh and I like exams because i love the cut-throat atmosphere and the whole busy schedule and starbucks coffee thing, rushing around everywhere and trying to get things finished on time, etc.. Makes me feel like as if I'm grown up and makes me feel important.</p>
<p>I like opera. I went to see La Boheme and when I came back this guy asked me where I went and I told him that I was excited to see the opera but didn't care for this one and he's like "Excited about opera?!"</p>
<p>I still look through teen magazines and the ones with the pinups and posters.</p>
<p>totally loving Britney Spear's "I'm A Slave 4 U" and "Boys" remix. :D Other than that I don't listen to pop or rock and I hate her other songs and her.</p>
<p>I also used to like Christina Aguilera, but now I find her and her songs absolutely disgusting.</p>
<p>What embarrasses me is when supposedly "smart" American high school and college students can't spell embarrass despite the fact that both a word processor and dictionary.com will do it for you.</p>
<p>That and when you totally rip a loud one during an exam. That sucks.</p>