<p>Because we can't always be productive little robots. Well, we can try, but it ain't healthy.</p>
<p>Mine are: the Top 40 radio station, tiramisu (scratch that, any pretty cake), putting on makeup, impractical shoes, and frilly dresses. My femininity is totally not repressed. At all.</p>
<p>Pandora radio
Responding to these type of posts</p>
<p>chocolate lava cake.</p>
<p>My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic</p>
<p>Madeleines, pizza, cheese puffs, cheese ramen, cheese-everything, America’s Next Top Model, Bachelor Pad, and classic hollywood (WILLIAM HOLDEN, MYRNA LOY, CATHERINE DENEUVE: KILL ME NOW!!! … actually catherine wasn’t really a part of hollywood…)</p>
<p>Red Velvet Cheesecake.</p>
I’m obsessed.
except the new episodes suck >: ( I miss brain’s manly voice</p>
<p>-Watching the powerpuff girls, dexter’s laboratory, ed Edd and Eddy, Courage the cowardly dog…in other words, watching my childhood cartoons.
-Listening to “Baby” by Justin Bieber(Please do not judge me!!!)
-Cookies and cream ice cream.
-College confidential
-Researching colleges which are too high of reaches for me.
-Putting on make up</p>
<p>^I miss everything about the old Arthur, but mostly the voices.</p>
<p>Mine is Fear Street novels. They’re garbage teen lit, I know, but I can’t stop reading them…</p>
<p>Awww, I love Arthur. Francine is the bomb. :D</p>
<p>Powerpuff girls is also my guilty pleasure.</p>
<p>“Researching colleges which are too high of reaches for me.” I thought I was the only one that did this.</p>
<p>Tumblr, Tiramisu, and watching shows that were cool when I was in elementary.</p>
<p>-cheese, and cheesy snacks
-period dramas
-really rich hot chocolate with vanilla and cinnamon and lots of whipped cream</p>
<p>My guilty pleasure is pink…and cats. If there was a pink cat out there I would die :)</p>
<p>Very guilty pleasure is finding myself ‘accidentally’ watching the odd chick flick (I’m a guy).</p>
<p>Making up songs to play on guitar.</p>
<p>Amongst other things, which I probably would be best off not saying haha.</p>
<p>-Arthur (I used the show in a project for AP Human last year and got an A)
-Disney Fantasia
-Blasting classical music throughout the house
-Singing Backstreet Boys and other cheesy 90’s songs while studying
-Watching any movie I can get my hands on (Movie buff)
-Ice cream. And lots of it.</p>
<p>I’m a guy:
Cooking ( if I don’t like any of my choices for majors, I’d probably go to culinary school)
Talking on the phone with gf, she gets me distracted 
Cooking shows
Stand up comedy
Pro soccer games, pro football games and the occasional baseball</p>
<p>Spending time with GF. BIG TIME!</p>
<p>Anime, listening to music (i.e. Pandora, YouTube), makeup, sleeping, roleplaying, eating (especially candy), talking to my friends (excessively), being hyper.</p>
<p>I think that that’s about all.</p>
<p>Talking to friends, pandora comedy station (everyone-you really need to try this especially if you have a favorite comedian!), quick game of halo. And Jesus yes you really do let ur femininity out haha.</p>
<p>I’m a guy, completely straight, and I occasionally watch chick TV shows (Grey’s Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, etc). I know, shameful right? But I figure, if the writing’s good and the plots are good, why limit yourself? Are any other guys guilty of doing the same?</p>