Emerging Scholars Program?

<p>My son received his acceptance today. The “small scholarship” (their words, not mine…we are appreciative for everything he receives) is $300. for the year.</p>

<p>S is excited, he received his acceptance today! I assume the scholarship is the same as the work study students would receive on an hourly basis. I believe it said if you qualified for work study, you would receive work study for the program. So I figure it’s around 18 hours a semester. That would make sense. It wouldn’t be fair for the non-work study students to receive more than the work study students.</p>

<p>I think S will be ok time wise. He had 15 credits, but one was AA, so Weds aft for 60-90 mins won’t be too bad. I think it will be a lot more work spring semester, when he starts the actual research so he can plan for it. </p>

<p>I think it’s a great opportunity. I know all students can do research, but the student really has to advocate for themselves and that may be hard for freshman. Now it will be more formal and I think that will help. S proposed a topic, I wonder if it means that there is a prof interested in it? Or, you just had to show you had some ideas???</p>

<p>Does anyone know how to register for the Wednesday class? DD is already in Tuscaloosa for move in tomorrow, and she replied to the email today. She can’t seem to find the class for add/drop or in the catalog. Maybe it will become visible once the rsvp is noted.</p>


<p>It doesn’t look like the class is up. There is an honors 155, but nothing at those times and with that description. Please post when it comes up, S would like the earlier class.</p>

<p>DD got her official letter today. Due to her marching band commitments in the fall plus a heavy science/music schedule, she asked to start in the spring. Zgrace, when did you elect to start?</p>

<p>I sure hope you and D end up liking each other, since you’ll be living together and have so many classes together.</p>

<p>Just don’t let her practice the piccolo in the suite! The flute is beautiful to listen to when she’s practicing, but piccolos are shrill and loud and not for close spaces!</p>

<p>DS also received his official acceptance yesterday. He starts in the spring. Woo-hooooo! And yes, $300 is small, but every little bit helps. :D</p>

<p>I know all students can do research, but the student really has to advocate for themselves and that may be hard for freshman. Now it will be more formal and I think that will help.</p>

<p>Our sentiments exactly!!! How many freshmen have it together enough to know whom to approach, how to set it up, etc.? This way, they get some structure, guidance, and help. What’s not to like?</p>

<p>Our son got his official acceptance yesterday as well. He will start in the spring and complete the program NEXT fall.</p>

<p>D was also accepted. Since she was only doing 13 credits, she decided to start this fall. (She was doing less because the neuropsych evaluator thought it would be best). After looking at her schedule, it seemed like she would have plenty of time, and so she has decided to do it. Having homeschooled all her life, I know her better than the evaluator and know that having a lot for her to do is better for her functioning than doing less. She only has one class that may give her problems (math) and absolutely loves to do research. She is used to writing 30 or 40 page briefs each week for debate and that would be along with doing a heavy high school schedule plus choir practices and applying for colleges (what she was doing last Fall).</p>

<p>^MilitaryMom–we are homeschoolers, too! Would love to trade insights – like how to make sure they won’t lose their backpacks if they’ve really never had to carry one before. (DS did carry one for two classes at local community college, but that was it.)</p>

<p>BamaMom2Be: I’m starting in the fall. I’m really glad that we have so many classes together and shared interets. That’ll be good for studying, even in later years maybe! And I know what you mean about the piccolo. One of my best friends in HS was a flute/piccolo and she would practice everywhere! :)</p>

<p>DS will be starting in the spring, and doing research in the fall. He’s pleased, since he was waitlisted for CBHP.</p>

<p>Does anyone know when the Emerging Scholars who start in the spring will be presenting… since it obviously won’t be in April when the fall tranch start?</p>

<p>Hokiefan checking in. My son will also start in the Spring due to his band committments. I’m here in Tuscaloosa now moving him in. All is going great (I’ll report in another post) but I think he is anxious. A lot to absorb in one day. And Target… not enough words to describe that place yesterday afternoon:)</p>

<p>DS received his acceptance email for Emerging Scholars!! UA is starting to “spoil” DS with all these phenomenal opportunities!</p>