Emerging Scholars Program?

<p>It is definitely a bonus if you get paid but there are many research opportunities that do not pay but are truly worthwhile.</p>

<p>DD was also invited to apply for Emerging Scholars. She recede the email just as she and I were each heading out of town for a week, on separate trips. She sent in her application at about 10:30 pm on August 3.</p>

<p>She was notified yesterday (not even a full 24 hours later) that there were so many applicants that Dr. Webb is offering two cohorts this year, with the second group starting in January. She’s still expected to meet with Dr. Webb a couple times during fall semester to get things started.</p>

<p>We figure since she applied so close to the deadline, all spots in then first group were already assigned. Starting second semester will work best for her anyway. She’ll be in marching band freshman year. She would love to work in Dr. Caldwell’s bio lab, but due to the time commitments, he can’t accept marching band students. Marching band will be over by the time she starts the Emerging Scholars program, so she’ll have a better chance of getting into his lab. Plus, she’ll have the advantage of having been in his Honors Bio class for a full semester, so he’ll really know her by then.</p>

<p>BAMAMOM - </p>

<p>My son is in the same situation except he is an engineering student . He is also in the band (plays Mellophone). He will probably apply for the spring. Good luck to your daughter. Counting down the days till band camp. What dorm is your daughter in?</p>

<p>DD is in Ridgecrest South North tower, 2nd floor. She actually ended up in the same suite with another CC member, zgrace. They’ll be in the same Honors Bio class together with Dr. Caldwell. They’ll also both have chemistry, but different sessions. DD has other friends in the bio class, too, on the same floor of the dorm, so they’ll have a ready-made study group.</p>

<p>S is also on the 2nd floor of Ridgecrest S-N and he is in Dr. Caldwell’s honors bioclass too. I think it’s the only one.</p>

<p>Small World. My son is also in Ridgecrest South North Tower - Third floor. Getting closer…</p>

<p>Which suite number? I’ll ask DD which suites her boyfriend and other male friends are in.</p>

<p>Yes, I think there’s just the one Honors Bio class. DD was thrilled when the prof listing switched to show Dr. Caldwell for the lab sessions, too. She’s so excited to be taking his class.</p>

<p>Hmmmm, DS did not apply until August 3 and expressed a preference for the Fall session. Hope he gets it. He wants to work with Professor James Mixson, if possible, since he already has Mixson for Western Civ and Freshman Learning Community.</p>

<p>Ridgecrest South North 201-204 suite. His roomates are from AL, KY, TX & he is from CT. I think he has finally tracked all of them down, or they have found him.</p>

<p>S applied August 4th and no response. Neither he nor I knew that his UA email was active and that he should be checking for emails. We have been getting so many emails to our home email address that it never crossed our minds!<br>
BTW, he is also in Ridgecrest South - North Tower 1st floor.</p>

<p>I think DDs friends are in higher suite numbers than that on the 2nd floor.</p>

<p>She’s in suite 207. Have your S stop by and ask for Abby. Look for long blonde hair and a flute or piccolo or iPad in her hand!</p>

<p>BAMAMOM2be- </p>

<p>My son is in 313. He won’t have an instrument with him as he plays mellophone and they leave them at the field. He is a pretty big guy with short (crew cut) brown hair. He is really psyched. Do you have any idea how the meals work? Do you think they all eat together during their breaks or all come back to campus and do their thing. I know camp can be brutal and I always worry they won’t eat or drink enough which of course has never happened. Just something else for me to worry about. Two more days until we leave… I hope we have everything.</p>

<p>Hokiefan: I’m not sure about meals. I know there’s an Arby’s within walking distance of the field. DD always takes a large thermos filled with water and ice to band camp. We’ll be taking ice cube trays with us, so she’ll be able to make plenty of ice in the dorm fridge.</p>

<p>I’ll see if she knows about the meal situation. One of her good friends from our local youth orchestra is one of the piccolo section leaders this year. She texts with him quite a lot.</p>

<p>D applied and received an email that some will do it in the fall and some in the spring. She wanted to do it in the fall because she is only taking 13 hours and even some of those classes only meet less hours than expected. The email said the person would be back today and then there would be further contact. We shall see.</p>

<p>Got response…DS will be doing ES in the spring, because he is doing FLC with Professor Mixson in the fall, and that is considered a good prep for ES.</p>

<p>I think that’s better, personally. No use biting off more than you can chew for first semester! (DS is already taking 16 credits.)</p>

<p>BTW–does anyone know how much the ES “small scholarship” is?</p>



<p>S applied on July 22. He hasn’t heard anything. I wonder why some are receiving emails and others are not.</p>

<p>S applied at the end of July. Gosh it’s getting late to move things around. They mentioned they would look at applicants after Aug 10, so that is today. It was probably easier to respond to those who want to do spring. Maybe they also have to look for prof’s to match students with, that could take awhile.
S doesn’t usually get anything he applies for, so not too hopeful here - ha ha. It has to be an automatic kind of a thing, like the Pres. Scholarship.</p>

<p>S doesn’t usually get anything he applies for</p>

<p>man, can we ever relate to that!!!</p>

<p>I got my email of acceptance today!!! :)</p>