Emory Gouizeta vs. IU Kelley

So we’re down to 2 for the final decision.
IU Kelley (with $12-14K in scholarship money) or Emory with zero financial assistance. Kiddo is leaning towards investment banking, but of course, that could change. I think they’d be happy in either environment, although frankly they were less than impressed with the lack of clubs/activities that seemed to be at Emory.

Seems to me a pretty easy call, but throwing it out there. Happy to hear from anyone with experience from either program, and whether anyone really thinks paying double the cost at Emory is likely to result in a better undergrad business education.

Big state school bs small school adjacent to city.

Both are fine choices.

If there’s a club missing…start it. My daughter is a first year at her school and did exactly this.

Although not impossible, IB is going to be difficult from both. If the student likes IU, I would take the money and run.

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It’s hard to break into IB from both, but from my understanding (disclaimer: I am considering Kelley, and have researched it so I might have some bias), it’s basically a lock if you’re able to get into the Investment Banking Workshop that Kelley offers (they offer lots of workshops, that one is pretty tough to get into though).

If your kid ends up going to IU, then they’re going to want to get into a business frat because that helps immensely with getting into the workshop, and then there are some other organizations that are helpful. I’m not considering IB so I don’t remember off the top of my head what those are, but I do know the workshop is well sought after and competitive to break into.

I have no significant knowledge of Gouizeta so I can’t speak to that. Kelley is ranked better though (#8 by US News, although those rankings can obviously be gamed). Also, the Kelley dean is stepping down…that was announced yesterday. Not sure if that will affect the program in the long run but that’s a different discussion in and of itself.

Both are good business schools though!


In terms of business education IP assume Kelly is just as good as Emory (or better, I have no idea). But if your kid changes his mind or wants to explore other areas, I think Emory would win that one hands down, with many many renowned profs in many different fields. It’s a liberal arts college at heart, and attracts a nice mix of those types plus the pre-professional types.

I think Emory has plenty of clubs and things going on, but yes, it is a quiet environment overall and partying is confined to Thursday night and weekends. My daughter is very happy there- she likes quiet, and when she wants more action she has the Greek scene and Atlanta itself (which has tons of restaurants, clubs, parks, sporting events…). I’m sure on a day to day basis there is more hustle and bustle at a bigger school like Indiana.


Yeah, IB is competitive no matter where. I keep pointing out that even if they don’t break into the workshop, there are other options. And in the end, there are worse fallbacks to have than a business degree from a highly ranked program, even if it’s not “Ivy League.”

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Why does it help to be in a business fraternity to get into a workshop?