End of March is so far away... Please chance me

<p>I applied to UCLA, Cal, UCSD, and Davis… I already got into Davis because of ELC.</p>

<p>UW-GPA: 3.94
W-GPA: 4.30
SAT I: 580 (CR), 610 (W), 640 (M)
SAT II (their low, I know): 640 (Math II), 570 (French).
Asian CA resident
ELC-status: rank 10 out of 973 seniors
Had straight A’s all through HS except for two B’s in Calculus BC.</p>

<p>Berkeley recently sent me a supplemental questionnaire… on this, I reported my 1st semester senior year grades… again straight A’s (4.5 GPA… 3 AP classes).</p>

<p>I never took any AP exams (b/c I feel that the college board is ripping us off… my own stubborn belief) but I took two classes at a local junior college (Algebra 2 and Calculus 1) and recieved A’s and college credit in both classes. I am also currently taking sociology I (my college major will be sociology) at the JC.</p>

Treasurer of the French Society
Treasurer of Humanitarian Club (current mission is to raise money to send to Darfur)
Editor of school newspaper
Interact (community service club)
Member of a school leadership organization that helps freshmen get aquainted to the school
Tutor at local elementary school
Afterschool job at restaurant</p>

1st in Art Competition at County Fair
Superintendent’s Honor Roll
Student of the Month</p>

<p>UCLA: slight reach to match</p>

<p>nice grades, and your doing sociology so i like your chances</p>

<p>reach/slight reach: UCLA/CAL</p>

<p>gpa is fine; SAT is way below averages at CAL/UCLA.</p>

<p>match: UCSD</p>

<p>safe match: ucd</p>