Engineer College Education Plan HELP?

<p>So my major is Engineering, because I want to become a mechanical engineer. I am full time and I have to take many science and math courses during the semesters at this community college. My plan for this summer semester is to take Chemistry 201 and English 102. How hard are these courses? Will they be manageable to learn during a 8 week period? I am mainly at home most of the time reading engineering books and researching about different engineering majors one can go into. I only work 12hr a week and I would like to get it out the way so I wouldn't have to take English and Chemistry together with Math 207, His 247 and Bio 115. I would just have to take Math 207, His 247 and Bio 115. My counselor told me I would recommend holding out on my job but what do you guys think? </p>

<p>Without more information I don’t think anyone can help you. No one knows your job or what any of those classes are.</p>