Engineering Chances!

Female from Upstate NY
Extremely Competitive High school
Applying for Materials Engineering

GPA-UW3.3 W3.45(low I know but had a bad freshman year and half of sophomore year, strong upward trend)
SAT-690Math 640CR
AP/Honors-12AP all other classes were honors
College credit-12 engineering credits from RIT, 4 Calc credits from Syracuse with GPA of 4.0 in class
Engineering Experience-taken classes through RIT since freshman year, shadowing site manager and interned with a firm

Ski Racing(Club)- since I was five, nationally ranked
Ski Racing(School)-captain for 3 years, gone to nationals, 9th place in states (first team)
Field Hockey(School)- captain for 1 year, state team member(first team)
Field Hockey(Club)-Nationals and league Champions
Lacrosse- played until sophomore year, still involved with team though

Apart of Educating Young Engineers (top group in the US)
5K through Church every year
Cared for the elderly
Coach for Lax and FH

French Club
Students against destructive decisions club
Ultimate Frisbee Club
Homecoming Committee
Powder Puff team
EYE Club

Counter Help for local Deli
Usher at local Polo Club
Assistant at Real Estate Company

Thank You So Much!!!

I’m no expert, but I’ll give it a shot

Your SAT is good, slightly above average for the program.
Your GPA isn’t great like you mentioned, much lower than average.
However, the engineering and calc credits is really good, it looks like you took difficult classes which is beneficial
Your ECs are very, very good too
Female in Engineering is a hook
I believe OOS hurts you some, but not really too heavily.

Overall, if your semester grades are good and there is a strong upwards trend combined with your difficult workload, the GPA issue could be solved. Despite the GPA thing, I think you stand a pretty solid chance at getting in given everything else that you have down.

Also, prospective Mat engineer here too :slight_smile: