Engineering Class Selection Help Please

<p>I am a freshman with plans on declaring an aeronautics and astronautics major. I am also working on a minor in management. I am doing well this semester and currently have A grades in all of my classes.</p>

<p>Second semester, I am planning to enroll in:
ENGR 132 Transforming Ideas to Innovation II (2 credits)
CGT 163 Introduction to Graphics for Manufacturing (2 credits)
CS 159 Programming Applications for Engineers (3 credits)
MA 304 Differential Equations & Analysis of Nonlinear Systems (3 credits)
MGMT 201 Management Accounting 1 (3 credits)
Total: 13 credits</p>

<p>I would really like to take one more class, but am not sure what I should (or can) take. I attended an advising session and was told to just take a general ed course…but I completed all of those requirements, along with both of the physics course requirements while I was in high school. My transcript reflects these transfer credits, but the advisor said she didn’t have time to look it up. I don’t think she believed me...</p>

<p>Can a non-freshman engineering student give me some engineering (preferably) class suggestions? </p>

<p>Also, I entered with junior status. Does that mean that I register before the freshmen and sophomores, giving me a better chance to get the classes I need?</p>

<p>Thanks for any input.</p>

<p>I am a parent of another freshman, so I can’t answer your main question. I do, however, know the answer to your question about registration status. The short answer is yes, you can register before the freshman and sophomores. Here’s an excerpt from the “Registration Frequently Asked Questions” document, accessed via the Registrar’s web page; it tells you how to find your registration status, and will tell you the times you can register:</p>

<p>How to locate your Registration Status and your PIN via myPurdue
Log in with your career account and password on the myPurdue homepage (<a href=“”></a>)
You will see your student profile. Select the Academic Tab.
Select Registration Status under the Quick Links located on the left hand side.
Select a Registration Term.
Your Registration Status will display. Please note that the first day and time listed is the earliest you can register. Registration is available to you throughout that period. If you have a hold that would prevent you from registering, it will be noted here.</p>

<p>Thanks, HoComom, for the information regarding my registration time. That’s good news! I’m not sure what the problem is, but whenever I click on the “Registration Status” link, I get a message that says “The webpage is not available.” I’ll get some help with this sometime this week.</p>

<p>Anybody knowledgeble about my first question???</p>

<p>@nayrnad: Specifically, what all courses did you get out of the way? You’ll probably be able to register for some introductory Aero classes if you’d like to.</p>

<p>Also, consider one thing. Are you 100% positive you want to be an Aero major? Some people think they’d like to do Aero, but end up majoring in Mechanical Engr, because its a much broader major (especially at the undergrad level).</p>

<p>@ purdue2014</p>

<p>In high school, I took these classes (and received Purdue credit):
MA 165
MA 166
MA 265
MA 261
MA 266
PHYS 172
PHYS 241
PHYS 252
ENGL 106
COM 114
SOC 100
SPAN 102
SPAN 201</p>

<p>I am taking care of the Business Rule elective (MGMT 200, which is also part of my Management minor) this semester. I’m taking MGMT 201 spring semester. Besides the 300-level Communications course (was recommended that I take it my senior year…not sure why), I think I’m done with electives.</p>

<p>So, you’re saying that I can take AAE 251 (Intro to Aero Design) or AAE 203 (Static/Dynamics) as a freshman in the spring semester? Don’t I have to complete my first-year engineering requirements before entering the AAE school to take these courses?</p>

<p>I am positive that I want to stay in AAE! Although, I did consider a double with ME. I was advised to go with the Management minor instead.</p>

<p>Thanks for reading this and advising.</p>

<p>@ nayrnad:</p>

<p>I have a strong feeling that you would be able to take at least one Aero class your spring semester. After all, you are taking a junior-level math course your 2nd semester!</p>

<p>From your transfer credit listing, 3 of your 6 gened requirements are finished (SOC100, SPANISH 101/102). The management classes, unfortunately, do not count as general electives. Economics classes, however, do count as general electives. You have 3 more of your liberal arts / general elective classes to go, with one of those classes having to be an upper level class (Spanish 102 is considered upper level).</p>