Engineering classes enjoyable?

<p>are the honors engineering classes easy and enjoyable?? or do the kids not like the professors and classes
also do the engineering kids get to party or are they too busy</p>

<p>I’m gonna work off a hunch and say that what you really want to know is if YOU will have an easy, enjoyable time in engineering at UA…if YOU will like your professors and your classes…and if YOU will have time to party and not be too busy? PM me. </p>

<p>“are the honors engineering classes easy and enjoyable??”</p>

<p>Eng’g classes are NOT easy at any school. Eng’g is one of the hardest majors out there. There’s a reason why lowish stats kids rarely make it thru. (I know you have high stats). That said, even high stats kids will say that they have to work hard for their grads (at any school).</p>



<p>Most professors are probably liked. At all schools there will be a prof or two that you won’t particularly like. </p>

<p>As for “liking classes”…in any major there are going to be classes that you like and ones that you don’t. In Eng’g, there are certain classes that many students dislike and can’t wait for the semester to be finished. Again this is true everywhere. Students often dislike thermal classes, fluid classes, and a couple of others. </p>



<p>Eng’g students are busy. They’re probably busier than most other majors. Does that mean that they don’t have time for any fun? No. But everything in moderation. My son still went to football games and went to some parties. However, if he had some deadline or test coming up, then he’d have to limit “the fun”.</p>

<p>Easy is a vague term since what some students consider easy may be difficult for other students. There are certainly engineering students with 4.0s who participate in extracurricular activities and have active social lives. Are engineering courses typically more difficult than those in other subjects? Yes, for many people they are.</p>

<p>There will be instructors/professors you like and those you don’t. You might not have the same opinion of certain professors as other students. </p>