Engineering Major for People who are Independent?

<p>Hi, I'm looking for a major where most projects would be done alone. I'm not talking about zero interaction, but I'm more of a "work on my own until I finish" kind of girl.</p>

<p>hate to tell you but all companies are looking for team players. I have been asked in EVERY interview about my team projects</p>

<p>start your own company. or go to graduate school. and you might want to look more at the pure/applied sciences rather than engr. </p>

<p>and part of it depends on what you mean by “project”.
say NASA has this big plan to put a new telescope in space. obviously, no one would build the WHOLE thing alone. but maybe your little project can be “write the computer program that insures the solar reflectors are getting maximum light/energy to power the thing”. how big or small you define project matters.</p>


<p>DS does engineered art and other small projects.</p>

He has a big support group that he can reference if he needs expertise. He works as an engineer at a university. He also has a pretty good background, inquistiveness, and individual initiative to accomplish his projects.</p>

<p>Hasn’t made any money in it. More as a learning hobby.</p>

<p>I don’t think starting your own company is any better. You’ll just be working with your clients instead of your manager and co-workers.</p>

<p>Graduate school is no way to get away from the heavy focus on teamwork. Research is done in teams and even graduate fellowships often as for teamwork experience.</p>

<p>Those who shy away from teamwork are going o have a rough time in engineering at all levels.</p>

<p>OP: from experience I can say that electrical engineering and computer science are viable candidates. While most jobs do require a fair bit of teamwork, many other jobs require little - I had one job where I spent about 6 months barely talking to anyone! Even when you are working as part of a team, as long as you are not working at the system level you still do a heck of a lot of work on your own. Avoid systems like the plague - it is all teamwork and meetings.</p>

<p>I say go into Computer Science since that is the most independent of all the engineering majors. But in your undergrad, you will be doing A LOT of team projects from what I have heard.</p>