Engineering Major

<p>I’m looking into changing my major from Finance to Engineering. I think I’m better suited for engineering but one thing has really held me back from doing it:</p>

<p>This semester at a local CC I took pre-calc expecting to take Calc 1 in the fall, but it turned out this class did NOT include trigonometry and as such I have to take Trig my first semester at Bama. </p>

<p>I believe this puts me really far behind the pack in Eng., as far as the prerequisites to the required classes. Would this be accurate or is Engineering (more specifically EE or MechE) still a possibility for me?</p>

<p>take trig at CC?</p>

<p>Your local CC likely offers a trig course over the summer. Of course, you may be able to test into Calculus by taking the placement test. Of course, if the course you took transfers to UA as Pre-Calc with Trig (<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; for info), you won’t have to take a trig course.</p>

<p>Would you be eligible for the engineering scholarship if you change your major?</p>

<p>i know that some of the lower level math classes are just online classes. you may be able to take the class online (is you do end up needing it). find out how it is going to transfer, then proceed.</p>

<p>Unfortunately the course transfers in as MTH 112.</p>

<p>My CC does offer Pre-Calc with Trig over the summer which transfers in as Math115. I guess even if I’m a business major it makes sense to be able to take Calc 1 first semester (though I was planning on taking statistics over the summer).</p>

<p>I would only qualify for the 1500/yr scholarship as I’m just under the 1330 cutoff (Bama gave me a 1/2 scholarship). Though I thought I couldn’t be awarded anything if I changed my major this late?</p>


<p>Not sure about the scholarship. If you change your major, you’ll just have to see if the money is later awarded (it wouldn’t be immediately). You applied before Dec 1st, that may be the rule.</p>

<p>change your major on MyBama - academics tab. There may also be a way to take the needed course online if time is an issue.</p>

<p>Okay, I switched the major. I’ll decide before Bama Bound which one (MechE or Finance/Econ) I’ll major in and take the Trig CC course either way.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone!</p>