Engineering Profs

<p>With some of the big public schools my son is applying to for Aerospace Engineering, we have been hearing about a prevalence of profs who are difficult to understand as well as many who are excellent researchers but not good teachers. Can I get any insight from those of you in Engineering or who know people in Engineering (specifically Aerospace) as to your experience? I realize there is going to be some problem along these lines at every major university but I wanted to see how prevalent it was at Purdue and whether it has been a real problem for you. Thanks.</p>

<p>that is a problem at almost every college
my son is going into aero and mechanical engineeing.
Purdue's engineering program is good so it can't be a major problem and still be ranked so high
Is your son going this fall or next
Embry riddle also is a great school but we liked Purdue better in the long run</p>

<p>He will start college in 2009. I agree that Purdue must have some outstanding professors to remain so high in the rankings.</p>