<p>Anyone have a list of engineering research schools (small, <10k students if possible).
Public or private. Anyone?</p>
<p>Define "engineering research school."</p>
<p>Small engineering schools =</p>
<p>Daniel Webster (aero)_
Webb (naval)
Harvey Mudd
Rose Hulman
Princeton (4000 undergrad; 20% engineering)
MIT (4000 undergrad, most engineering)
Emery Riddle
Texas A&M Galveston (Naval)
most all "PIs"</p>
<p>Lots under 10,000</p>
<p>I compiled this list via a quick rundown of the ABET accreditation website. I tried not to duplicate the ones above, though a few may be repeats. This isn't necessarily comprehensive, and a few of the schools may have enrollments around or above 10,000. Almost all are PhD-granting institutions, which I assume is what you mean by "research" above.</p>
<p>Cooper Union
Johns Hopkins
U of Rochester
Illinois Inst. Tech
Mizzou Science & Tech (formerly Rolla)
Wash U
Milwaukee School of Engr.
South Dakota Mines & Tech
Alabama Huntsville
U of Miami
Tennessee Tech
Cal Tech
Santa Clara
Colorado School of Mines</p>
<p>MIT (~10k including grads) and Caltech (~2.1k including grads)?</p>
<p>school, number of engineering graduates, total enrollment grad plus undergrad </p>
<p>California Institute of Technology 53 2132
University of Alabama in Huntsville 196 7264
Colorado School of Mines 461 4151
Florida Institute of Technology 188 5050
Illinois Institute of Technology 229 7180
Tufts University 151 9376
Michigan Technological University 562 6724
Missouri University of Science and Technology 593 6166
Dartmouth College 56 5836
New Jersey Institute of Technology 399 8123
Princeton University 170 7193
Stevens Institute of Technology 172 5262
Clarkson University 278 2949
Polytechnic University 169 3317
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 685 6527
University of Rochester 85 9305
Case Western Reserve University 291 9844
University of Tulsa 65 4165
Lehigh University 322 6845
Brown University 69 8215
Rice University 128 5145</p>
<p>Thanks. I only missed checking out 1 above that I had not heard of (Santa Clara U). PhD granting is a good definition of ‘research’ schools.</p>