Engineers: a quick 2-minute survey!

<p>Hello! To all those individuals who have graduated with a bachelor's degree in engineering, I would like to invite you to take a quick 2-minute survey. I am currently a freshman in the department of bioengineering at the University of Illinois and I am conducting this survey to assist in my semester long "mini-research" project for my undergraduate research seminar. With recent upward trends in college tuition, it's becoming increasingly difficult for students to pay off loans within an ideal time-frame. I hope to use the data obtained from this survey to determine a correlation between average college debt and the duration it takes to pay it off. All participants in this survey will remain anonymous and the collected information will be displayed on a research poster at the end of the semester.</p>

<p>The survey can be found by clicking the following link:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Thank you so much for your time!</p>

<p>So one problem with the survey is that I’m currently a graduate student with debt at around $15k-20k, but I don’t have any actual loan payments since they can stay in forbearance while I’m in school. So even though I’m hardly making any money at the moment, the loans don’t really make it any sort of a burden since I don’t need to make payments.</p>

<p>Edit: Also, why ask people to bin their loans into one of your categories when you’re asking them to put in an actual number in the next line? I don’t think you’ll have enough granularity for the lower values (most students graduate with well under $50k) with your current bins.</p>