<p>Hi, </p>
<p>I need helping picking my college major as a high school senior. I am between Civil Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. The thing is I don't know much about what either of these majors do for a job after they graduate. Like what a daily routine for each one. Also I want to think ahead and know which one of these major has the potential to continue growing because I dont want to graduate then not find a job. So anyone knows how the job market is.
Help appreciated. </p>
<p>Taking an introductory engineering class. I’m pretty sure that the course will go over the different fields of engineering. Don’t worry about which engineering major to pursue but worry about getting into an engineering school.</p>
<p>So I can just apply to enginnering as a general engineer and then pick a branch? </p>
<p>the web is your friend, so is your local library. Go the reference desk at the library and ask for help, the person there (shocked, no doubt, to see a living person appear
) will be happy to help you find books and pamphlets about those career fields. And if you are a future engineer, I don’t need to explain how to use the web to look things up…</p>
<p>I just wanted the opinion of people who have a better experience than me. You know the internet doesnt always tell you the reality of things. </p>
<p>What college are you referring to? Some engineering schools make you choose before attending and some make you choose during sophomore year.</p>