English at Alabama?

<p>Does anyone have experience with the English department at UA?</p>

<p>Also, as a matter of curiosity, if one wanted to do Computer-Based Honors in English…what kind of research would that entail?</p>

<p>An English major in CBH…well, I believe that there have been some CBHers that have majored in English.</p>

<p>Your research could likely involve whatever the Bama English profs are doing for research. If you look at the English profs webpages (some probably have their CVs listed), you can see what research they’re doing. You either could contact some and ask to assist (this would be in your soph year…not frosh year), or you would also be free to do research in an area that isn’t your major, but just interests you.</p>

<p>My son is a math major, his CBH research involved lowering the infant mortality rate in Alabama. And, because of a fatal school bus accident a few years ago in the state, he also did research with 2 profs involving seatbelts and other safety measures on school buses (this research project was requested by the governor if I remember correctly…because of the accident).</p>

<p>So, depending on your area within English, you could do research related to that, or to anything you like. </p>

<p>There have been CBHers who’ve been Library Science, Dance, and all kinds of majors. </p>

<p>The name “Computer-Based Honors” sounds like it’s a computer science honors program. It’s not. Yes, you do learn to program your first year - but the rest of the program involves research and presenting your research.</p>

<p>Wanted to add to above…</p>

<p>I think what mixes people up is that they think they have to come up with some kind of research that involved computer programming and that’s not what most CBHers are doing. </p>

<p>You can go to the CBH webpage and see examples of projects…there was/is a link to actual presentations (don’t know if that’s still up).</p>

<p><a href=“http://honors.cbhp.ua.edu/index.php?page=cbhp-presentations[/url]”>http://honors.cbhp.ua.edu/index.php?page=cbhp-presentations&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

Go to this webpage [U&lt;/a&gt; of A English - Faculty and Staff](<a href=“http://english.ua.edu/04_faculty_staff/by_specialty.html]U”>http://english.ua.edu/04_faculty_staff/by_specialty.html)</p>

<p>Look up profs in your likely specialty…look at what they’ve been doing/writing/etc. Many CBHers easily find projects just by asking profs if they need any help with research. Bama’s profs are very approachable (unlike some of the profs back in the day when we were in college…lol)</p>

<p>Thanks for your help, mom2collegekids! It was actually some of your posts (and, of course, the very lucrative NMF package) that led me to look into UA.</p>

<p>Looking at past CBHP presentations helped; they didn’t have English, but I looked at some other fields I’m interested in (history, psychology, economics) to get a feel for the type of research CBHP students can assist with. So basically, students take some programming courses as freshmen, and then help professors with research that may or may not use programming, although it involves working with computers at some level?</p>

<p>Typically, all the presentations include some computer usage, but not necessarily “programming”. </p>

<p>For instance, for my son’s research with MDs regarding infant mortality, he didn’t do any programming, just regular research with the MDs, and then he put together an attractive PowerPoint presentation for his grade (which was also used by the MDs for their own presentations.).</p>