English scene at UW Madison

<p>hey I'm considering transferring to Madison but I want to know first what it has to offer in terms of extracurriculars for English enthusiasts (poetry/literary magazines, author lectures, slam poetry, open mic nights, etc) and how prevalent the scene is there. Does anyone know? thanks!</p>

<p>Check the UW website for organizations listed with the Unions. You need to familiarize yourself with the UW website- look under student organizations et al.</p>

<p>Very active in all those areas. </p>

<p>[Department</a> of English, University of Wisconsin?Madison](<a href=“http://www.english.wisc.edu/]Department”>http://www.english.wisc.edu/)</p>

<p>[Poetry</a> in Madison, Wisconsin](<a href=“http://www.madpoetry.org/]Poetry”>http://www.madpoetry.org/)</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.madisonwritersnetwork.org/[/url]”>http://www.madisonwritersnetwork.org/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Another related program.</p>

<p>[First</a> Wave OMAI](<a href=“9th-cohort-group – Office of Multicultural Arts Initiatives – UW–Madison”>9th-cohort-group – Office of Multicultural Arts Initiatives – UW–Madison)</p>