English Teachers on MyBama

<p>Just noticed that the profs for EN 103 on MyBama that were previously TBA have mostly been filled in. If you were waiting for profs to figure out scheduling, take another look.</p>

<p>En 103 is a great class to take if you qualify…it fulfills both 101 and 102 and counts as an honors class.</p>

<p>Does anyone have suggestions since Melissa Hull is not listed?? my son is a math and science kid so we were hoping for her based on the good comments here and on rate my prof…</p>

<p>We had checked out fall 2011 and spring 2012 EN 103 profs on RMP, thinking teachers would be the same, but they’re mostly different. Most of the profs (like Hull) that D had on the “wish list” aren’t teaching EN 103 this fall. Almost all of the profs listed have RMP ratings, but not necessarily ratings from students who had EN 103. There are a few who taught EN 103 this year, though, so maybe we’ll get some student input.</p>