ENGR 161 SolidWorks PC?

Hello everyone,

I was recently looking into adding ENGR 161 as a class and I found out they use an application called SolidWorks, which from what I understand is a very 3-D video intensive software that requires a CAD compatible graphics card, not gaming. I am worried that whether I take this course this semester or next, I am going to need a new computer…looking a best buy all of the compatible CAD graphics card laptops are so outrageously expensive ($2500+) that I cannot believe that this is what I would need for a 1 credit hour class…needless to say I want to avoid the chat with parents about dropping that much money for equipment. Any experience with this class anyone??? What did you use for your computer?

Why not just contact the prof directly and ask? I’m sure s/he would be happy to help!

This class is all done in the room during assigned times. I do not have the software on my computer since we only used it in class. No need to buy a special laptop. You might need the software later but all the engineering computer labs will have it.

Agree with #2. Son did not put SolidWorks on his personal laptop; used the engineering computer labs and all worked out perfectly well.

Son will soon be beginning his 4th year of classes in Civil and is still using the $600 laptop we bought over 4 years ago (and has never requested an upgrade).

I’m sure he uses the lab computers for some classes, but does have AutoCAD running on his laptop with no issues.

Solidworks is a very good CAD software and anyone thinking about a career in engineering would benefit from a class on it. You don’t need a special graphics card but you do need the Solidworks software. You can check the Solidworks website to see if your computer is compatible.

UPDATE: Just had my first ENGR 161 class today and bad news…UA just changed the requirements and every student MUST have a computer that can run SolidWorks. The computer labs in the classroom don’t have towers anymore so you need to bring your own computer. No macbooks. Need a PC that is powerful enough…I am hoping my computer will run as I am installing the software as we speak. Many people had their mouths drop because they had macbooks and their professor pretty much told them they were SOL and to buy a new computer for his 1 credit hour class…

Would it not work to use a Mac that is running the Parallels desktop (which contains Windows-based programs?

This requirement (laptop which can run SolidWorks) was stated on the registration page for this class this fall. Not sure why this is now so. Future students should contact Professor Newman directly with questions.

@aeromom yeah they put it in bold to warn people…but unfortunately for those that this is a required course for some engineering majors, like aerospace and mechanical I believe. It pretty much is SOL for mac users and those without the right computers. My computer seems to run the software ok but I am keeping my fingers crossed…It just seems like a needless detriment for a 1 hour class, especially considering the lack of sympathy from the instructor for those who have no other choice but to buy a whole new computer.

I hate to say this but I am in the professors camp on this. Been working in engineering design for the last 18 years. When solidworks and unigraphics came in vogue, nobody used a Mac and I do not see any in our or others design centers.

I have said on CC and elsewhere that if you are going into engineering then you need to go the PC route. That was a big discussion in my house because my DW is a huge Mac fan (she works at a school where they are prevalent).

@atomicPACMAN07 and @CyclonesGrad - Macs work just fine. My DD had 161 last semester and used SolidWorks on her Mac by running parallels (and hers is an somewhat older Mac).

Alright, I’m going to jump in here. I don’t know what’s posted on the websites for the engineering majors that require ENGR 161, and I haven’t taken the time to look (sorry), but if the websites say that students can use either Mac’s or PC’s, or they previously said this, then someone needs to address this issue with the department head.

It may be, as @CyclonesGrad suggests, that engineers really should have PC’s . . . but if the new student info for UA says (or said) that Mac’s are acceptable, then the department needs to find a way to make it work for those student who relied on that info when they enrolled. You don’t get to change the requirements after a student has enrolled.

For those Mac users who can make it work with Parallels, fantastic! For those who can’t, the department needs to come up with a solution. Telling previously enrolled students that they now have to run out and buy a new computer is NOT okay, and if that’s what the prof is saying, then that needs to be brought to the attention of the department head.

I agree. I’m not sure the OP understands the Mac Parallel desktop option (he appears to have a PC); thus, my initial question. Prior to this fall semester, and still today, the College of Engineering website specifically says that both PC and Macs are acceptable:

•Both Windows-based PCs and Macs are acceptable ◦Note: a few engineering applications only run in a Windows environment. If a Mac is purchased, then the student would need to boot into Windows using Boot Camp or a run a virtual Windows machine via Parallels Desktop, VMware Fusion or VirtualBox.”


I do not understand the whole Mac phenomenon. If I have to go thru gyrations to make my computer work, I would not want it. Why do people buy Macs for engineering applications? My true feeling is that Macs are marketed more toward artistic and educator types.