Entering UC without a SAT score

<p>My little sister is attempting to enter UCR as a freshman however she did not take both SAT II’s. she only took one of them. she did take the SAT I however. We emailed a admissions counselor and he said that they would try and help and as long as she was truly interested they might be able to do something for her. however, it sounded like he was in actuality an overenthusiastic student working in the admissions office who had really no idea what he was talking about. have any of you ever heard of a situation in which a UC will go out of its way to accommodate a student who doesn’t have the proper documents?</p>

<p>For UC schools you need either the ACT with writing, or the SAT with 2 subject tests</p>

<p>The whole SAT-with-2-subject tests thing is a requirement and cannot be sidestepped, and unluckily for your sister, the entering freshman class of H.S. 2011/Univ. 2015 (this year’s seniors) is the last graduating class that requires 2 SAT IIs. But even if your sister is a qualified applicant for UC Riverside, rules are rules; as for whether she can get into UCR without a subject test score, I have no idea.</p>

<p>Good news - firstly, your sister can consider applying to upper-tier Cal States, some of which may academically rival UCR. Secondly, there’s still time to sign up to take another SAT II before the UC application deadline (Nov. 30th); I’d advise for her to take her 2nd SAT subject test on this year’s Nov. 6th sitting. Good luck.</p>

<p>Everary is correct. UCs require 2 SAT IIs in addition to either the SAT or ACT with writing.</p>