<p>I am not sure when to take what classes based on not knowing the prerequisites for each.</p>
<p>The only classes I'd probably want to take are in the mathematics and physics sections. </p>
<p>Right now I am a sophmore taking pre-calc?
The science classes I have taken include chem bio and integrated?</p>
<p>My school only offers up to AP calc AB and physics honors (no AP ).</p>
<p>What should I take and when? </p>
<p>Also, are their online classes the best to take? I saw some summer programs but I don't think I can go to those anyways?</p>
<p>Depends. If you are planning to be a physics major, I would highly recommend to study the math before the physics.</p>
<p>That means doing calculus, and vector calculus (often called multivariate calculus), and then differential equations. After that you are basically set to tackle any basic physics (basic meaning intro college physics classes)</p>
<p>Well I don’t know how long these classes take.</p>
<p>When Should I take each class to get to differential equations before I graduate?</p>
<p>Look, the questions you’re asking here are all answered on the EPGY website: [EPGY</a> Mathematics Department](<a href=“http://epgy.stanford.edu/courses/math/index.html]EPGY”>http://epgy.stanford.edu/courses/math/index.html). Just click on the course names to view the pre-requisites, course descriptions, length of courses. If you have specific questions, email the EPGY staff; they’re very helpful.</p>