Esquared Thread

<p>Eric, I dedicate this thread to you: a nice addition to your Nothingness Fun Thread. I hope we have many interesting and possibly even orgasmic discussions in here. Cookiemonkey, do join in, and everyone else, as well.</p>

<p>I had to do this, Eric. I think you have become quite a celebrity on CC and the person everyone will want to meet in September.</p>

<p>Why....Thanks a hoot, Katie. I AM already having problems with paparazzi.</p>

<p>I'll be sure to marry/impregnate an equally famous CCer and then torture you all with the anticipation of our baby's birth or our divorce.</p>

<p>I have never heard of Esquared...:p</p>

<p>My randomness has never contaminated into this area.</p>

<p>My mother likes to remind me: No ringy, no touchy.</p>

<p>Ah, words of wisdom. And remember my conservatism, Eric.</p>

<p>Well then, let me introduce myself shaddix.</p>

<p>I'm Eric or, if you prefer, "Tickle Buns" and I can make most of your somewhat wildest dreams come true.</p>

<p>Nice to me you Tickle Buns. </p>

<p>I'm am shaddix...and my habitat is normally the CC Cafe or HS forum. </p>

<p>As for wildest dreams...take me to Stanford.</p>

<p>Well, I said somewhat wildest dreams....</p>

<p>So, I guess that'll take you to like UC San Diego.</p>

<p>Eric, this thread is doing very nicely with you, and you seem to have attached to it rather well. Excellent idea on my part, as I must take all the credit...</p>

<p>There is no doubt denying how incredibly ingenius and sexarific you are, lover.</p>

<p>Thank you, sexy. (If your photo on Facebook speaks the truth, that is. . .)</p>

<p>I swear...everyone on CC is getting a lover. It's like the "in" thing.</p>

<p>Shaddix, will you be attending Chicago, by the way?</p>

<p>By the way, I do this with Eric just for fun, as he is the one truly memorable character on the UChicago thread.</p>

<p>Really? Everyone is?</p>

<p>Hmm...well then, I suppose a change in cutsy names is in order.</p>

<p>I've always been fun of "honey *****".</p>

<p>Oh...and my facebook photo is highly deceptive....mostly because it came in my wallet.</p>

<p>Oh no...I just randomly popped in Esquared's thread becasue I had free will. </p>

<p>I will be heading to UVA, but I have been interested in Chicago for grad school as well.</p>

<p>No, Katharos, don't pretend like you do it for show...I feel a deep passion between you two....:p</p>

<p>and because of the hunchback and the three arms. . . ;)</p>

<p>Shaddix, you now see what you will be missing! With Eric, Chicago is hardly the school "where fun comes to die." </p>

<p>Congrats on UVA, though! Excellent school...</p>

<p>Yes, yes........those things as well.</p>

<p>I also herpes.</p>

<p>Ah, wonderful, two pages already - and this thread has only just begun.</p>

<p>Thank you Katharos. </p>

<p>It seems I will be missing out on the fun and insanity that will reign for the next 4 years at Chicago.</p>

<p>I must leave now, Eric and Shaddix. It has been an enjoyable evening of discussion which I hope to continue in the not-so-distant future. Enjoy the rest of your day, guys.</p>